B-BBEE services that are designed just for you

We understand that a once-off service will not always be sufficient for you. Our B-BBEE monthly subscription plan is created to assist in maximising your B-BBEE scorecard by using cost-effective solution-based strategy.

Enterprise solutions

a tailor made solution for your business

Need more then just a solution

online presentation

B-BBEE Consulting

With our B-BBEE plan, we ensure that your business is performing in relation to national requirements

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Audits & Verification

Our senior consulting team assist in defining specific strategies and helping you to implement a curated

data analysis

Employment Equity

Eliminating unfair discrimination in the workplace and achieve equitable representation of employees

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Contact Us

All our services come with a complimentary needs’ analysis meeting with one of our skilled representatives – whether face-to-face, on Video Call or telephonically.