Adson believes in promoting, motivating, and inspiring woman in the workplace. We have partnered with Superwoman Hub to create a space for woman in the workplace to feel inspired, effectively build their careers, and grow/improve their leadership skills
Reimagining an Inclusive Africa
26 September 2020: online conference
The Women in Africa event is a one-day collaboration with high impact women across Africa to engage and reimagine how we can build an inclusive Africa together. It is a space for women by women
About Superwomen Hub
Who We Are?
The Superwoman Hub is a platform that connects high impact women across Africa.These women share,motivate and engage other like minded women though the platforms we have created
What We Do?
We mobilize resources to democratize growth opportunities for women by connecting high impact women across Africa and ensure they access opportunities.
Our Goals?
Every woman has a unique superpower in them. We want to create a space for woman in the workplace to feel inspired, effectively build their careers, and grow/improve their leadership skills.
Women who inspire
26 September 2020 from 08:00- 20:00
Reimagining an Inclusive Africa: ONLINE CONFERENCE
Early Bird
Access to all Main event sessions where you can learn from our high profile panelists and career advancement opportunities delivered weekly in your mail
Industry roundtable discussions to collaborate on solutions with peers across the continent and career advancement opportunities delivered weekly in your mail
Assignment to the Superwoman Hub accountability partner network to have a fellow woman help you keep track on your goals.One session of group career and leadership coaching
one-day collaboration
The Women in Africa event is a one-day collaboration with high impact women across Africa to engage and reimagine how we can build an inclusive Africa together. It is a space for women by women.
This year’s theme is “Reimagining an Inclusive Africa”. The event will be filled with engaging panel discussions by top women leaders, opportunities for networking with fellow peers and actionable insights on how we can drive inclusive growth for our continent.
network opportunities
Whether you are a business owner, a working woman, one with an idea on paper or a stay at home mom, this event is a day full of inspiration, fun and network opportunities for all women. With ±30 top women leaders engaging in SIX industry panel discussions, this will provide a great opportunity to connect with like-minded women.
You will learn how to effectively build your career strategically and leverage leadership opportunities that you never knew you had.
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