Workplace Skills Plan

The outline plan

Fill the Skills Gaps with a WSP

A curated Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) in South Africa outlines how a business or employer will address the training and development needs within the workplace. Our WSP experts assist employers in identifying and providing relevant training that will address the skills gaps within the organisation and in line with business strategy.

This  approach encourages a holistic and sustainable approach to skills development. A well-thought-out Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) will ensure that the skills that an organisation lacks are addressed.  

The right solution

WSP Promotes a Motivated Work Environment

Motivated and skilled staff are a business’s greatest assets. Our Workplace Skills Plan will give you the benefit of motivated and knowledgeable staff and a focused and productive work environment. We Provide your business with the opportunity to increase growth 

We have partnered with  accredited training providers that provide a variety of skills development courses and solutions that will increase your employees personal and professional development.

Workplace Skills Plan Submission

The Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) should document the skills needs of your business and describe the range of skills development interventions that you will use to address these needs. 


WSP Development Deadline

A prerequisite for recognising any points on your B-BBEE Scorecard is the submission of Workplace Skills Plan (WSP), Pivotal Plan and Annual Training Report (ATR).

10 min

B-BBEE Scorecard

Your business will only receive points on its B-BBEE scorecard once they prove that a Workplace Skills Plan was submitted.

11 min

Pivotal Plan

The new amended B-BBEE Codes further require that the WSP and Pivotal Plan be approved by the SETA prior to earning any points on the B-BBEE scorecard.


We have packages that cater for small to enterpise businesses . View our prices and get quotation asap

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In-house training


Online training


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